
Automatic Semantic Versioning for git based software development

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Config Examples

Below are some examples of common configuration.


I would like to update my and others docs with the latest version number.

defaults {
  patches: [
patches: [
    name: Docs
    filePatterns: [
    replacements: [
        find: "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+"
        replace: "{Next}"

I would like a different version format for docker tags

Docker does not support the + symbol from semantics versions. Create a format for Docker tags like so:

branches: [
    pattern: "main"
    includeBuildMetaData: false
    tag: true
    formats: [
      { name: Docker, format: "{Version}" }
    pattern: ".*"
    formats: [
      { name: Docker, format: "{Version}-{BuildMetaData}" }

Generate it with git mkver next --format '{Docker}'

I would like to override the built-in commitMessageActions

git-mkver includes a default list of commit message actions which map to conventional commits. These can be overridden by specifying the pattern to override in the commitMessageActions. The pattern must match exactly one of the patterns below and then the action can be changed as required.

The defaults are as follows:

commitMessageActions: [
  # Breaking changes (major)
    pattern: "BREAKING CHANGE"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "major(\\(.+\\))?!:"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "minor(\\(.+\\))?!:"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "patch(\\(.+\\))?!:"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "feature(\\(.+\\))?!:"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "feat(\\(.+\\))?!:"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "fix(\\(.+\\))?!:"
    action: IncrementMajor
  # The rest of the conventional commits
    pattern: "(build|ci|chore|docs|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\\(.+\\))?!:"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "major(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "minor(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: IncrementMinor
    pattern: "patch(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: IncrementPatch
    pattern: "feature(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: IncrementMinor
    pattern: "feat(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: IncrementMinor
    pattern: "fix(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: IncrementPatch
  # The rest of the conventional commits
    pattern: "(build|ci|chore|docs|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: NoIncrement