
Automatic Semantic Versioning for git based software development

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git-mkver comes with a default configuration. It can be overridden by creating a custom config file.

git-mkver will search for config in this order:

  • file specified by the -c or --configFile command line argument
  • file specified by the GITMKVER_CONFIG environment variable
  • mkver.conf in the current working directory

The application uses the HOCON format. More details on the specification can be found here.

Environment variables can be resolved in the config using the syntax ${?ENV_VAR_NAME}.


# prefix for tags in git
tagPrefix: v
# defaults are used if they are not overriden by a branch config
defaults {
  # whether to really tag the branch when `git mkver tag` is called
  tag: false
  # message for annotated version tags in git
  tagMessageFormat: "release {Tag}"
  # format tring for the pre-release. The format must end with {PreReleaseNumber} if it is used.
  # Examples:
  # * alpha
  # * RC{PreReleaseNumber}
  # * pre-{CommitsSinceTag}
  preReleaseFormat: "RC{PreReleaseNumber}"
  # format string to be used for the build metadata
  buildMetaDataFormat: "{Branch}.{ShortHash}"
  # whether to include the build metadata in the Semantic Version when next or tag are called
  includeBuildMetaData: true
  # action to take, if after analyzing all commit messages since the last tag
  # no increment instructions can be found. Options are:
  # * Fail - application will exit
  # * IncrementMajor - bump the major version
  # * IncrementMinor - bump the minor version
  # * IncrementPatch - bump the patch version
  # * NoIncrement - no version change will occur
  whenNoValidCommitMessages: IncrementMinor
  # list of patches to be applied when `git mkver patch` is called
  patches: [
  # list of formats
  formats: [
      name: Docker
      format: "{Version}"
      name: DockerBranch
      format: "{Version}.{Branch}.{ShortHash}"
# branch specific overrides of the default config
# name is a regular expression
# branches are tried for matches in order
branches: [
    pattern: "main"
    tag: true
    includeBuildMetaData: false
    pattern: ".*"
    tag: false
    formats: [
        name: Docker
        format: "{DockerBranch}"
# patches control how files are updated
patches: [
    # name of the patch, referenced from the branch configs
    name: HelmChart
    # files to match, can include glob wildcards
    filePatterns: [
      "**Chart.yaml" # Chart.yaml in current working directory or any subdirectory of the current working directory
      "**/Chart.yaml" # Chart.yaml in any subdirectory of the current working directory
      "Chart.yaml" # Chart.yaml the current working directory only
    # list of replacements to apply to files
    replacements: [
        # search string, using java regular expression syntax (
        # find strings can include the special marker `{VersionRegex}` which will be replaced with the regular expression
        # for a Semantic Version.
        find: "appVersion: {VersionRegex}"
        # replacement string using substitutions from formats
        replace: "appVersion: \"{Version}\""
    name: Csproj
    filePatterns: ["**/*.csproj"]
    replacements: [
        find: "<Version>.*</Version>"
        replace: "<Version>{Version}</Version>"
# commitMessageActions configure how different commit messages will increment
# the version number
commitMessageActions: [
    # pattern is a regular expression to occur in a single line
    pattern: "BREAKING CHANGE"
    # action is one of:
    # * Fail - application will exit
    # * IncrementMajor - bump the major version
    # * IncrementMinor - bump the minor version
    # * IncrementPatch - bump the patch version
    # * NoIncrement - no version change will occur
    action: IncrementMajor
    pattern: "major(\\(.+\\))?:"
    action: IncrementMajor